33076 Import Visual Contact Address Book\nImport Visual Contact Address Book
33077 Import Comma Separated Format (CSV) file\nImport Comma Separated Format (CSV) file
33078 Import Comma Separated Format (CSV) file\nImport Comma Separated Format (CSV) file
33079 Import Netscape 3.0 Address Book\nImport Netscape 3.0 Address Book
33080 Import Netscape 3.0 Address Book\nNetscape 3.0 Address Book
33081 Import MS Outlook Express Address Book\nMS Outlook Express Address Book
33082 Import MS Outlook Express Address Book\nMS Outlook Express Address Book
33083 Export in Comma Separated Format (CSV)\nExport in Comma Separated Format (CSV)
33084 Export in &Text format\nExport in &Text format
33085 Export in Visual Contact Format\nExport in Visual Contact Format
33086 Export in MS Word/Excel format\nExport in MS Word/Excel format
33087 Send A1 Visual Contact to a friend\nSend A1 Visual Contact to a friend
33089 Search the web using AltaVista\nSearch the web using AltaVista
33090 Search the web using Yahoo\nSearch the web using Yahoo
33091 Change configuration for Internet Browser software\nPick an Internet Browser Software
33092 Change tab alignment to top, bottom, left or right\nChange tab alignment to top, bottom, left or right
33093 Change active view to Dialer, Email Assistant, Web Browsing Assistant, or Letter Writing Assistant\nChange active view to Dialer, Email Assistant, Web Browsing Assistant, or Letter Writing Assistant
33094 Change the way you see your contacts in the address book\nChange the way you see your contacts in the address book
33095 Search the web using Netscape People Finder\nSearch the web using Netscape People Finder
33096 Search the web using Netscape People Finder\nSearch the web using Netscape People Finder
33097 Search the web using Who Where\nSearch the web using Who Where
33098 Search the web using InfoSpace\nSearch the web using InfoSpace
33099 Go to next advertisement\nGo to next advertisement
33100 Go to previous advertisement\nGo to previous advertisement
33101 Submit your own advertisements for A1 Visual Contact\nSubmit your own advertisements for A1 Visual Contact
33102 Navigate this site on the Internet\nNavigate this site on the Internet
33103 Import Intnernet Explorer Bookmarks\nImport Intnernet Explorer Bookmarks
33105 Search for the contact in AltaVista, Yahoo, Netscape People Finder, WhoWhere and InfoSpace\nSearch for the contact in AltaVista, Yahoo, Netscape People Finder, WhoWhere and InfoSpace
33106 Search for people or companies on the Internet using different search engines\nSearch for people or companies on the Internet using different search engines
33107 Disable quick lookup when the name field is being Edited\nDisable quick lookup
33108 Visit our site on the Internet\nVisit Software Viruosity on the Internet
33109 Learn about A1 Visual Contact features on the Internet\nLearn about features
33110 Frequently asked questions about various problems\nFrequently asked questions about various problems
33111 Help on how to buy A1 Visual Contact Pro\nHow to buy A1 Visual Contact Pro
33112 Move to the last record\nBack
33113 Move to the next record in the navigation history\nForward
33114 Add to Quick View\nAdd to Quick View
33115 Mange Quick View Entries\nMange Quick View Entries
33116 Customize Quick View\nCustomize Quick View
33119 Help for quick keys\nHelp for quick keys
43000 Reconfirm when contacts are dragged and dropped on groups
43002 Reconfirm when updating contacts
43003 Use Netscape Email Client
43004 Type target Email client's path here
43005 Click here to browse Email client program folder
43006 Organize based on first name
43007 Organize based on family name
43008 Define prefixes and postfixes list
43010 1234567890-(),.;:*#@
43012 {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\qc\plain\f3\fs28\b\ul %s.\par \pard\ri-240\qc\tx2160\plain\f3\fs24 %s\par Phone: %s\par e-mail: %s\par
43014 \par\par \{\{Type your letter here\}\}\par\par\par \pard\li4560\plain\f3\fs24 Sincerely,\par\par\par %s\par %s\par \pard\plain\f2\fs24 \par }
43018 Please type in valid phone number to dial, or select a contact that contains a valid voice number
43019 Trying to invoke Email client
43020 No Email address typed, Please type address manually in the Email client window
43022 Group contains no entries
43023 \nGet your free copy of Visual Contact Software at \nhttp://www.softwarevirtuosity.com\n\n
43024 Add another voice number
43025 Add another Address in the address book
43026 &Address
43027 The operating system is out of memory or resources.
43028 The specified file was not found.
43029 The specified path was not found.
43030 The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
43031 The operating system denied access to the specified file.
43032 The filename association is incomplete or invalid.
43033 The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.
43034 The DDE transaction failed.
43035 The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.
43036 There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
43037 There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
43038 A sharing violation occurred.
43039 Cannot find Netscape address book\nMake sure that Netscape 3.0 mail is properly installed and configured to run on your machine
43040 Cannot open the requested file
43041 The requested file is not a valid Visual Contact Address Book file. Invalid data file
43042 Successfully exported program's Address Book to the text file
43043 The specified dynamic-link library was not found.
43044 Add another voice number in the address book
43045 &Voice
43046 Add another fax number
43047 Add another fax number in the address book
43048 &Fax
43049 Add another Email address
43050 Add another Email address in the address book
43051 &Email
43052 Add another URL in the address book
43053 Add another URL
43054 &URL
43055 Add another Address
43056 You can export the selected items from Visual Contact Address Book\nto any application like MS Word, MS Excel, Word Perfect, and other text\neditors. Just use "Export Selected" command from the File menu.\nFirst select the contacts that you want to export and then drag \n and drop them into your target application.
43057 You can import MS Outlook Express address book \ninto Visual Contact by selecting all entries from Outlook Express' Address Book,\ndragging and dropping them onto the window in\nVisual Contacts.
43058 Are you sure you want to add %s to the group %s
43059 Please select an entry from "All Contacts" to add first
43060 Please select a group in the "Select a group" combo box first \nor create a new group by pressing "New group" button.
43061 Please select an entry from "Contacts in this group" to delete from this group first
43062 Deleted %d entries from %s
43063 Cannot create a group with empty name
43064 A group with the same name already exists
43065 Are you sure you want to delete this group?
43066 Are you sure you want to add all contacts in this group?
43067 There are no entries to add
43068 Are you sure you want to delete selected contacts in this group?
43069 There are no entries in this group to remove
43070 Cannot rename group to an empty name
43071 This entry already exists in postfix list
43072 This entry already exists in prefix list
43073 Visual Contact will dial the number after %d seconds
43074 You did not enter complete information\nDo you still want to launch your default word processor?
43075 No Email client program specified.\nPlease choose an Email client from Options -->Email and Internet browser configuration command
43076 Outlook express is not set as system default Email client program. Visual Contact could not launch it as an external program\nPlease make Outlook Express as your default Email client and then use it under Visual Contact
43077 Visual Contact could not launch Outlook Express as your Email editor
43078 Could not invoke mail. Make sure there is enough space on your C drive
43079 Cannot find NETSCAPE.EXE in the specified folder\nPlease check Email client configuration of the program.
43080 Cannot find Outlook.Exe in the specified folder\nPlease check Email client configuration of the program.
43081 Are you sure you want to stop using %s
43083 Visual Contact can start whenever you start Windows. Do you want this feature to be enabled now?
43084 You have requested to turn all sounds off. The program will not be able to prompt you for different events.
43085 \nConfirmation dialog for updation and dragging are turned off, Would you like to turn them back to on now
43086 \nConfirmation dialog for updation is turned off, Would you like to turn it back to on now
43087 \nConfirmation dialog for dragging is turned off, Would you like to turn it back to on now
43088 %s is already in %s
43089 Are you sure you want to delete %s
43090 Could not open the file for writing, Make sure the target is not write protected and enough space is available
43091 Successfully exported the selected entries into Visual contact format.
43092 %s %s %s %s %s %s
43093 Could not export Visual Contact's Address Book file to the location you specified. Does target folder have enough space? or Is it read only?
43094 Are you sure you want to delete %s group
43095 Are you sure you want to delete selected items in this group?
43096 Deleted %d entries from %s
43097 Finished searching the Address Book
43098 Could not add multiple entry in this field
43099 Could not remove multiple entry from this field
43100 Cannot retrieve Windows System folder information
43101 MSComm32.OCX is missing\nThis file is necessary for dialing from within Visual Contact, Please reinstall the software.
43102 Modem did not detect a dial tone within five seconds after going off-hook
43103 Modem could not detect a remote carrier signal. The telephone line seems to be dead or already engaged with another call
43104 Five seconds of silence was not detected when dialing to an extension based telephony system
43105 Could not find default Internet Browser program's path from the registry
43106 A customized browser was selected in configuration wizard but no path was specified.\nPlease use \"Email client and browser Option\" command in options menu to choose a browser\nDo you want to select a browser now?
43107 Cannot open temporary file for writing
43108 Could not find default RTF word processor's path from system registry\nYou can use Letter writing feature of Visual Contact only if you have an RTF word processor installed on your system.\nMake sure that you have already installed a word processor like MS Word, Word Perfect or AMI Pro.
43109 Please press "Dial" if you want to dial the FAX number manually
43110 No fax number exists
43113 You can always enable this feature by File menu command "Auto start with Windows"
43114 You must enter a path in the path edit field
43115 The file you specified does not exist. Please specify a valid path in the path edit field
43116 Specified file is not %s Executable module
43117 Click here to cancel dialing and hang-up the telephone line
43118 Click here to talk
43119 Click this button to create a new dial-up networking connection
43120 Add/Edit name. Quickly lookup records by typing name here.
43121 Edit voice number. Add multiple entries by typing entry and pressing Enter key.
43122 Edit fax number. Add multiple entries by typing entry and pressing Enter key.
43123 Edit Email. Add multiple entries by typing entry and pressing Enter key.
43124 Edit Address here. Shift Enter to add line breaks, Enter to add multiple records.
43125 Add/Edit personal memo notes
43126 Manually type a number to dial
43127 Send us your feedback
43128 Feed fax number in Dial Number Combobox
43129 Click to visit this URL
43130 Click to make phone call
43131 Click to send Email
43132 Edit URL. Add multiple entries by typing entry and pressing Enter key.
43133 Click to write letter
43134 Use this key pad like your phone key pad to dial a number
43135 Click here to send Email to this group (or selected entries in this group)
43136 Click here to dial the number in the Dial Number Edit Box
43137 Click to see disclaimer license and warranty dialog
43138 Click to close this dialog
43139 Check this on to enable confirmation dialog when an entry is dragged and dropped in a group
43140 Check this on the enable confirmation dialog for updating records
43141 Export Visual Contact Address Book into text format
43142 Export Visual Contact Address Book into its own format
43143 Export Visual Contact Address Book into MS Excel, MS Word, and RTF format
43144 Shows a list of the contacts in the Address Book
43145 Select all of the contacts in the Address Book
43146 Check this to include voice number in the exported data
43147 Check this to include fax number in the exported data
43148 Check this to include Email address in the exported data
43149 Check this to include Web site address in the exported data
43150 Check this to include postal address in the exported data
43151 Check this to include notes in the exported data
43152 Copy the selected contacts onto the clipboard
43153 Export the selected entries in Visual Contact Address Book format
43154 Enter search sub-string here
43155 Choose this to search the sub-string in the name field
43156 Choose this to search the sub-string in the voice number field
43157 Choose this to search the sub-string in the fax number field
43158 Choose this to search the sub-string in the Email address field
43159 Choose this to search the sub-string in the Notes field
43160 Choose this to search the sub-string in the URL field
43161 Choose this to search the sub-string in the Postal Address field
43162 Find next occurrence of the search sub-string in the Address Book
43163 Import Visual Contact Address Book format into current file
43164 Import Netscape 3.0/3.02 address book
43165 Import Microsoft Outlook Express (Internet Explorer 4.0+) address book
43166 Enter the name of the new group here
43167 Enter a new prefix here
43168 Shows a list of existing prefixes
43169 Enter a new postfix here
43170 Shows a list of existing postfixes
43171 Add newly edited entry into the list
43172 Delete the existing selected entry
43173 Check this to enable automatic redialing
43174 Enter auto dialing interval here
43175 Click this button to immediately redial the last number
43176 Click here to register your name by sending us an Email message
43177 Click here to visit our web-site to download the latest version of the program
43178 Enter new string here
43179 Enter your name here
43180 Enter your street address here
43181 Enter your voice number here
43182 Enter your Email address here
43183 Shows a list of connections that are currently open
43184 Click here to disconnect and dial the requested number
43185 Click this button to save the untitled address book now.
43186 Click here to disable the autosave feature now and save the changes later.
43187 Use this keypad just like your telephone keypad.
43188 Edit number here.
43189 Click this button to dial the number in the edit box now.
43190 Shows the warning message
43191 If you click this on, this dialog will not be shown again
43192 Click here to accept this dialog
43193 Click here to cancel the current operation
43194 Prints a border in the output when a table or cards view is selected.
43195 Choose a font for the print out
43196 Set output text alignment to left
43197 Set output text alignment to center
43198 Set output text alignment to right
43199 Shows a list of contacts in the address book or the selected group.
43200 Turn this checkbox on to include voice number in the print out.
43201 Turn this checkbox on to include fax number in the print out.
43202 Turn this checkbox on to include Email address in the print out.
43203 Turn this checkbox on to include web URL field in the print out.
43204 Turn this checkbox on to include postal address in the print out.
43205 Turn this checkbox on to include notes in the print out.
43206 Click to change the printer setup, page size and orientation
43207 Click to preview the print out
43208 Click to cancel the print operation
43209 Change the size of the base font in the print out
43210 Select all contacts in the list above
43211 Turn this on to select a group to print
43212 Choose a group to print
43213 Click to print the selected entries without previewing the print out.
43214 Change the print out format to Tabular, Cards, Envelopes or Labels
43215 Turn this on to automatically start Visual Contact when Windows is booted.
43216 Turn this on to shut off all the sounds that are played on different events
43217 Turn this on to automatically save changes when you are using Visual Contact (Recommended)
43218 Turn this on to save window state of the program when the program exits
43219 The selected contacts will be printed in the form of a table. Each column consisting of separate fields.
43220 The selected contacts will be printed in the form of a table. One cell will contain information about one contact..
43221 Select this if you want to print envelopes for the selected contacts.
43222 Select this to print out mailing labels for the selected contacts.
43223 Click here to start a new page for every new alphabet section.
43224 Click this to turn card labels (Titles for fields) on or off
43225 Click this button to enter return address for the envelopes.
43226 Change font for the return address
43227 Change font size for the return address
43228 While printing envelopes, the print orientation should be set to Landscape, Current orientation is portrait,\nFor best results for envelope printing, please choose Landscape using \"Page Setup\" button in the printing options dialog
43229 You have not specified the format of the print out
43230 You have not selected anything to print. Please select the contacts in the list shown in the dialog by clicking on the records while keeping SHIFT or CONTROL key pressed.
43231 While printing envelopes, only address and name field of the Contact are printed and your choice of fields is ignored
43232 No group exists, Please create a group first and then choose to print the group
43233 Visual Contact can automatically save your address book whenever you add, delete or update any record. \nDo you want to use this feature?
43234 You can always enable this feature by File menu command "Address Book | Automatically save changes"
43235 Could not create application shortcut in the Windows Startup folder.\nPlease create the shortcut manually
43236 Could not retrieve startup folder information, This information is necessary for Visual Contact to automatically start when Windows is started.\n Please create a shortcut of the application manually in Windows startup folder
43237 Switched mode to Email Assistant. Now double clicking on the contacts will launch the Email Assistant of your choice. To select a particular Email Client software, please checkout Options | Email and Internet Browser Configuration...
43238 Switched mode to Phone Dialer. Now double clicking on the contacts will dial the selected contact. If there is no telephone number against the selected contact, Quick Dialer window will be shown.
43239 Acting as fax boy
43240 Switched mode to Web Surfing Helper. Now double clicking on the contacts will the Internet Browser of your choice. To select a particular Internet Browser Software, please checkout Options | Email and Internet Browser Configuration...
43241 Switched mode to Letter Writing Assistant. Now double clicking on the contacts will launch the Word Processor of your choice. To select a particular Word Processor Software, please checkout Options | &Word Processor Options ...
43242 InternetDetected
43243 Please, register me into A1 Visual Contact users' database. Send me an Email on %s to inform me ofá new upgrades. I understand my information will be kept confidential, and will not be used for any other purpose.\n
43244 \n%s\n
43245 Drag-n-Drop important contacts from address book here to create single click short-cuts.
57344 Visual Contact
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew Address Book
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen Address Book
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active Address Book\nSave Address Book
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Print Address Book\nPrint
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, disclaimer information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents